Monday, 30 April 2012

Great Wisdom

I can't do this all myself, you know. I need some help sometimes. Just like the next guy:

READ ME: I'm about how to write like a pro.

So check this guy out, Colin Nissan, he's hilarious and he's right.(Thanks to Linda B. for the link!)

I'm leaving on my trip tomorrow at 3pm!

I cannot and will not guarantee blog posts while I'm gone, but I hope to at least give some pictures and some updates.

Keep looking back! See ya'll in June!

Wednesday, 25 April 2012

Heaviside - April Doers of the Month


"WASTED GENERATION will be available for the first time ever on May 25th at the Pawn Shop on Whyte Ave. in Edmonton,"  

from their website: 

Heaviside is a local Edmonton rock band. I've seen them live a number of times at the Starlite Room and Brixx. When they asked me to review their newest CD, I was pretty stoked. Seeing a band live is SO different than listening to a recorded album.

And usually, for me, it's the other way around. Learning to love a band through their albums, then seeing them live.

First off, go see these guys live. If you like this album, you'll love them live. The voice of the lead singer  is phenomenally stretched beyond a normal human being's range. Wasted Generation captures it well, but hearing it live is whole other experience.

Secondly, what a well mastered album. You guys must have had to deal with some assholes before getting someone this good!

Third, the tracks:

I think my favourite is Eva. It's super catchy, and I always find myself dancing around my living room when I listen to it. And I hear it's about the drummer's girlfriend? Enticing.

My hidden super favourite is Bring It On. It's loud and says, "I'm in your face and I'm not getting out of it til I get what I want." It makes me feel very powerful and very Zen at the same time. I can't explain it. 

Air guitar? Sure! Best one to rock out to is Queen For A Day, definitely. The riffs that you hear throughout the album combine here to make a super track worthy of air anything, really. Air drums, air bass, air bottle blowing. Whatever tickles your fancy, really.

As a whole, the album is a great listen. Something I could imagine people having good sex to. Something I want in this world. It's wholesome rock. There's no gimmicks, no cheese, no flair. Just a great voice with great musicians playing rock music.

This is why these guys are my April Doers of the Month! They've been working together for years and they've put some damn hard work into completing this album. Congratulations, guys! Well deserved props.

Check them out at the Pawn Shop on May 25th for their release!
(DO IT, cause I won't be here, and I wanna hear about it!)

Tuesday, 24 April 2012

On Voting

I hope you did.

The Advantage: Change in the City of Springtime

This time of year is historically [read: 'istorically] a time of change.

From students finishing exams and moving onto summer co-ops and drunken stupors, to the very weather we exist in changing from cold to warm, frozen to soggy.

So, why shouldn't it be my time to basically change everything in my life?

As you know, I leave in a week on my big trip! I am very excited.

My last day of work is this Friday. I have VERY bittersweet feelings about it. It is going to be sad and hard to leave, to be completely honest with you (and myself, I guess). I adore the people I work with, and we had a marvelous time at a going away dinner for me last night.

Nothing too special happened, but I think that was best. It was nice to all just hang out, chit chat about our lives and move on.

It's hard changing. I've done it a lot in my life. I've moved from my small home town to the big city, the big city to the big world and back again, and now who knows, really. I've freed myself of any hangups, responsibilities and tie-downs.

Traveling, of course, alters ones state of mind. It frees the soul, I believe, to think what it wants to think.

I have a lot of decisions to make before my arrival home. I'll try not to rush them. Like I said, change is hard.

Relating this to the Advantage of Doing isn't too difficult. I mean, change means a lot of work. A lot of thinking,  a lot of doing. the difficult part is doing it. But, lucky for me, since I'll be unemployed when I get back and all, it's sort of forced on me. Easy shmeasy.

On a lighter note, see what I did there with that top picture?

Wednesday, 11 April 2012

One month til my Biiiirthdaaaaay

At which point I will be in Greece. Enjoying all sorts of things. Culture, ruins, history...

I am so stoked about my trip. I am done work in 16 days, then I'm off! With two amazing friends and a group of about 30 probably amazing people. I don't know. I can't be sure. But I assume.

Also, I'm trying not to look too far ahead. I mean, I need to plan. Cause I've got a life to live when I get back, but at the same time, it's a hard to thing to do. It's almost two months away.

When I do bring this up around people, they all start clambering on the "Let's Get Carrie a Job" Train. Which I more than appreciate, don't get me wrong! However, it's a bit alarming. I start wondering, would I want that job? Would I enjoy it there? Is that even something I'd want to do in the mean time?

My ultimate plan is to be freelance writing full time out of my home. But until then I need to eat and live and things. And there is a reason I am not going back to my current job after I get back from my trip, as much as they want me. I want something I can call rewarding, fun, worth it. I want somewhere that helps other people and cares about things like the Earth. Something that I am proud to be a part of.

Or lounge singing. I'd love to be a lounge singer.

Well, I may not have a job, and I may no longer have a vehicle (a story for another day) but it's my birthday a month from today. And that's what matters.

Have I ever told you how much I hate deciding what to do with my life?