Friday 27 January 2012

Back in the game!

So, the event went quite well! I met some very cool people, mostly PR Students or grads who are working. There was a game where you had to find the person who had the same colour wine glass identifier (That's what they're called, right?) as you. I happened to get the President of IABC, Kate, who was super cool. I feel like I won that event.

Also, random, I was just about to get introduced to the Volunteer Coordinator for IABC when someone said, "You're from Grimshaw!" And then I looked at her name-tag and said, "You are, too!"

Haha, we've never met, but my sister dated her brother, among other connections, and we've seen each other on FB. Now we're friends! I guess the internet wins, too.

In other news, I'm going to practice my accordion. Something I always seem to place last on my things-to-do list. Playing an instrument leads to playing an instrument... SO. That's what I shall do.

Thursday 26 January 2012

When doing things goes wrong...

I was so amped when I signed up for a 7:45 work out at a gym I've never been to before. I've got this Groupon that gives me 30 yoga classes/other types of workout classes at about 10 locations across the Greater Edmonton Area. You can't do them all at the same place, so I have to shake it up. Nbd.

So, I show up this morning (another early morning for the books) and I'm all like, "YES. I made it."

Nope. Sorry ma'am, that's 7:45pm. PM. As in, twelve hours from now. Ever have that sunken feeling like you're doing awesome at pinball, you're on a roll, but then out of nowhere it falls right through the center hole?

Yea, that was me.
I took it like an adult and pouted. Got over it pretty quick though; I have a big day ahead of me.

Getting my hair did this afternoon, and then it's the Sip, Savour, Celebrate Event for Edmonton IABC. It'll be my first event as a member of the International Association of Business Communicators.

I hope I don't act like some n00b. Wish me luck with the rest of my day!

Wednesday 25 January 2012

New Digs!

Thanks to Beth Tidsbury ( for designing my new banner! I'll be perfecting the look I want for the blog as the days go on.

Onto things I've been doing! One of my Main Projects is to whip up my writing portfolio, for online and print versions. Also, I'm busy changing up my resume. So, I've devoted some time to that this week, as in I've stressed about them constantly. But they're coming along, I've gotten some great feedback, which is the hardest part. Sending out a piece of work that you know isn't finished. STRESS. But, like I said, worth it for the great feedback. 

And, I went to 6am Yoga today! Holy smokes. I've been sleeping in a lot lately, and that's the worst. I'm rather productive in the mornings. So, today was a great day! Now, at 9:30 in the evening, I'm tired. Weird how that works.

Monday 16 January 2012

The Advantage

The Advantage of Doing is going to hopefully be my way to achieving my goals.

It's the idea that doing things begets doing things. Playing guitar means that you play guitar. Sleeping allows you to sleep. Being patient makes you patient.

There are a number of things I'd like to be doing, and so I'm going to start doing them.

I'm hoping that with this being a public space, I will be forced to stick with my goals. If you ever see me sliding, give me a kind word, or a harsh one, I suppose, if necessary. I'll probably appreciate it.

Ciao for now,
