Tuesday 18 September 2012

So I'm back and I have something to say.

Hey, listen, people take the summer off all the time. I didn't or anything, I mean I've been working and all, but the blog took a backseat. And that backseat fell out of the back hatch and careened into a ditch somewhere in an isolated area that for some reason I couldn't get back to. I think there was an avalanche there or something.

Anyways, I went through the wreckage, found my little buddy [read: The Advantage], put it front and centre and got a seat belt clicked in around him. Drive safe, I always say.

My point is, I'm not going to be apologizing, or making excuses, because that, people, is what we call living in the past. I'm just going to get back to it.

I have some great posts planned for the next month! Keep an eye out.

So, as per the Advantage of Doing, what have I been doing, you ask?

After I got back from Greece and Turkey I started doing temp work, a great way to make money but not commitments, then moved onto a serving job at the end of August. It's at a great Italian place that I will not give you the name of until I'm any good at serving, and everyone is real nice. Food is killer.

I've been exercising! As part of my save money plan, I moved in with my brother. He has a condo with an extra room (and my own freaking bathroom) and he's being the great, wonderful, caring person that he is and putting me up for much less rent than I had been paying. Anyways, he's been showing me some great exercise routines I can do right here in the condo, which are a great add on to my walking and biking outings. Imma be rippppped. Watch out.

My eating well has been quite steady. It's something I falter on sometimes, but only when I forget that in order to do something, you must do it. So: To eat healthy you must eat healthy. Not: To eat healthy you must indulge vigorously then come back to your plan. That's not how it works. For me anyways.

And I've been enjoying the hell out of summer. It's been real nice here in the City of Champs and afternoon visits to Hawrelak, campfires at my friends place, music festivities, beers on patios and visits from old and new friends have been frequent and welcomed.

Sasquatch in June. Also welcomed.
Hey, if you have questions for me, or think I'm slacking, or want me to write about anything in particular: Message me. Here, there, anywhere. On Twitter (and instagram) @carrie_okee isn't a half bad way to do it.


  1. Hmmm, you spend every Sunday at my house watching HBO and yet I get no mention in your "What I Did This Summer" monologue...


  2. A-dizzle (or should I say A-diss a lil) So what if I paraphrased a little. A girl's gotta think about content and conciseness.

    I still love you if you'll have me back.
