Thursday, 22 March 2012

Of Course It's Snowing

It's just the end of March, and it's just been the mildest winter ever, anywhere, and I just wanted to spend some time outside today, so of course it's snowing.

I know it's futile to ask the weather to cooperate, and it is, honestly, stupid to ask it to level out. Especially in Edmonton. I know it, you know it, the birds and the bees know it: The weather here is unpredictable. Like a crazy person who doesn't know exactly what they're doing and one minute they're just buying a hot coffee, next they're pouring it down their own pants, next they're yelling at traffic in jibberish, next they're wondering why they're in the middle of Jasper Ave with a coffee crotch.

The point is, the weather is crazy and there is no way to institutionalize it. So we just have to deal. And deal I shall. I have the day off you see, so I plan on writing lots! I'm working on an outline for a book I plan on writing, and I'm working on some copy for a website! (A real job, if you will!)

I do have about a bajillion other things to do AKA I cleaned out my closet, but sort of left off when it was all scattered across my room and still haven't come back to it. And on that note, I have a backpack, for my trip! I borrowed it from my aunt. It's super cute, a dusty navy blue with a big Canadian Flag patch on it, but it's kind of small... I'm currently working on seeing if I need a bigger one. I'm going to pack it and see.

I'm desperately hoping this doesn't trigger any emotions that will cause me to jump on a plane and leave everything behind, including this crazy weather.

I'll keep you posted.

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